Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Organizing Your Days

Back in the day when I worked at Alea, (shiver) I can remember all of the managers walking around with their composition books and pens and making sure to write all of the tasks they were to complete in their not-so-distant future. I am quite certain that in today's society with the use of tablets & cell phones, that they would actually replace the composition note books.   And I am also quite certain that this just didn't happen at Alea.

Lately since my worker has deferred me from working for now, because of all of my current health issues. I have been thinking about how in the heck can I get my life in order?  Or am I damned for life to being so unorganized.  Some people will argue with me if they have seen my studio that I am organized, but not really.  All they see are shoe boxes full of stuff and each box is alphabetized, but I have baskets and bins building up again of things that need to go in to those boxes.

I also have so much going on that I can't seem to focus on any one thing for too long so what little work I do, does not feel like I  have accomplished much at all. Since I probably have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) which basically means that you have a short attention span, I can't stand to be working one thing for too long.

Here are some things I NEED to accomplish some day:

1)  Organize and Name all photos in my computer (this is to the tune of THOUSANDS of photos, literally)  I need HUGE help in this area!

2)  Organize and file paper work so that we can finally get caught up on our taxes once and for all, and here were talking about bins and bins of paperwork that need to be sorted.

3)  I have a kazillion (how much is a kazillion anyway?) art projects I want to do but can't seem to figure how to just sit down and focus on doing them.  This includes getting things made for all of the Christmas Crafts shows going on at the Public Schools locally at Christmas time.

4)  I also have to purge a kazillion things in my house such as things that have been left lying around for 3 years that we have not even touched!

and the list goes on and on and on, so you see, nothing is really urgent, but everything is really urgent.  Because when Abby and I first met, one of the very first things she taught me was, to eliminate stress where ever possible!  How did everything in my house get so stressful?

Well the good news is, today we finally purged the three kitchen cutlery drawers. There is actually a box of stuff that will be dropped off in the free section at the local recycle station.  So that is a good start.  We only have the rest of the kitchen and the rest of the house to do!

I brought this topic up with a friend last night.  Her suggestions were ideas that I have heard before.  She even looked up appointment schedule samples to see what I could possibly do to help me here.  I even spent some time looking in the playstore app on my phone to see what kind of organizational apps I could find but I was just wasting my time there.  Thank you miss bonnie for letting me pick your brain on that one, if your still reading lol.

So what I did today as a trial, I just pulled out a 3 hole ring bound book with lined paper in it and just wrote down times of the day and what I did in those times.  I will do this for a few days, just so I can look back and see how I have been spending my time.  This will also help me to become friends with my penmanship, which sucks...lol

If you want to leave a comment below on how you organize your days, or to give me tips and ideas about what you do, that would be great....as my brother in law always says, catch you on the flip side!


  1. Unfotunately, I am great at giving advice but not so good at following my own suggestions. I need structure, like you, but am unable to design it for myself.

    1. I hear you my friend....its a true struggle, I hate that I can't seem to do this for myself either. All of the advice for suggestions and ideas are wonderful its just applying them...Just like I know what I gotta do with a diet, and quitting smoking...well I quit smoking now I gotta quit eating and get organized lol


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