Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Today's Art Class

We both had a hard time waking up and getting going this morning.  However we got up, had our usual oatmeal for breakfast made our coffee to go and headed out the door.  We were both heading up to South River this morning, me for my water colour art class and Abby had a customer to go and see.
Here is what I did in my class this morning.  First I had to pain-stakingly draw the Canalilies.  I started to stress out because I don't like to draw in public.  I only draw alone in my studio at home.  And then I can show off what I like.  But my teacher and my fellow class mate didn't want me stressing out so the teacher helped me to draw this line for line.

Pretty amazing huh?  Sometimes I impress even myself!  Thanks to my new friend I was able to get through this stress free.  We even got to start painting it today.  And this is what I have so far.  Apparently we are going to be adding to it and layering and a bunch of other cool stuff to it too.  I can't wait to see it finished.

Stay tuned for upcoming photo's to see what I did in the first 9 classes of Water Colour painting.


  1. I often impress myself too. I mean, did I really do that? So, I know how you feel.

  2. This water colour class has been blowing my mind about how I can actually do it with some instruction. Since I have a lousy memory, I really need the videos, the internet, and a teacher to help.


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