Thursday, May 30, 2024

Abidar finally meets Aurora!!!!

As everyone is aware that this past weekend there was a major solar flare so everyone in world pretty much had a level 10 chance to see the Aurora Borealis. We went as far as South River to Tom Thompson park, which is a beautiful little town and a gorgeous water way. We left here at 11 pm to give us ample time to get there to see if we could enjoy the light show in the sky. We got there, parked the car, and we waited and waited. 

        We could see nothing and yet a few cars pulled so we figured we stood a good chance to see them, as this was the first time that we have ever been there (for the same purpose) that we had seen cars pull in hoping to catch a glimpse. Keep in mind that Abby and I have been chasing this incredible phenomenon back even when Alan was still alive. But have never been successful.

     So people were pulling in and we were still waiting, and waiting and waiting. Then at one point Abby suggested that maybe its something that we can’t see them with the naked eye? So we already had the sky roof opened up and even though it was black and saw NOTHING I just snapped a photo into the darkness above us. When I opened up the photo that I took to my astonishment, there they were!!! All in their glory but cloud covered. But we didn't care, we were just so happy to see them we almost cried!

    We could actually see them in the photo but could not without the use of the camera. But I don’t care, we actually saw them and almost too faint but we still didn’t care. We were happy little campers driving home, how exciting....but disappointing at the same time because everyone else around the world had better photos of them that were posting their experiences on FB. I tried not to care but I was a bit ticked that we could not see them as well as everyone could. Big Sigh. Oh well something we could nothing about, right? So that was Friday night. 

    We went out again on Saturday night, this time not as far as South River, as we should have been able to see them from our place. It was still pretty over cast but we still went out, again leaving at 11 pm. We did not stay for as long or as late. But we went out AGAIN on Sunday night. 

    With them being a level 10 potential for seeing them we were very persistent, not to mention bound and determined! This time we drove out to Rosseau a different direction than the two previous nights. We drove almost to Parry Sound, but took the 121 home instead. Even though to us the Northern Lights were still at large, no where to be seen, so disappointing, but on the other flipside, A if we didn’t go we would have been more upset that we didn’t see any again, and B, we saw wildlife that we had not seen in donkeys ages, 5 or 6 years even. We saw, 2 deer on the side of the road, a dead raccoon, a fox that was so very close to hitting us. He came out on Abby’s side of the highway and from out of nowhere. 

    Don’t worry he is safe sound, but was so close though. The highlight of the entire weekend was that we finally saw a moose!!!  After at least a 5 year moose draught.  We were happy! Now that was exciting to see and almost made up for the lack of not seeing the Aurora Borealis. Oh and we saw two cat sized animals, we don’t think that they were cats, but they were probably martens. So all of that was really super cool to see. (Pics of Northern Lights   

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