Monday, January 2, 2017

Alcohol Background

I have finally mastered the art of mixed media morsel #3 alcohol background.  The first two time I made the attempt all I got was goobley gok and didn't understand what I was supposed to get until I got it right.  You will understand when you see the photo of what I did correctly.  This is a very cool technique actually one that I can see myself doing again in future projects. 

I did the second one today and ended up just chicken scratching on it much like my first one.  I sighed and almost gave up but decided to try one more time on the next page of my little booklet.  
Here are the results from my first and second attempt at Alcohol Backgrounds.

This first is the incorrect way of doing this morsel.  See what I mean about just chicken scratching?  I think I did not have the purple wet enough.

But on this one, is it not just cool how the little circles start taking shape on the page?  This totally has given me an idea for a Valentine Swap I have happening over in my own group on FB


  1. I have not made it through all the Mixed Media Morsels yet. I hope to complete them all in the near future.

    1. I have attempted larger sized pages for this project previously and have canned that idea and started over on smaller pages in a well bound little booklet that I am hoping stays together so that I don't have to make a book for it. LOVE it so far.


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