The first one I would like to share is a lovely ATC with a pocket sent to me by my pal Bonnie over at JaspersGems.
Its absolutely adorable and very well made! I am the one who introduced her to the wonderful world of ATCs and for a long time, I tried to talk her into it and finally she gave in and loves it. It has been fun to watch her grow in this fun past time. This background is absolutely gorgeous. I am not sure how she did this one but its beautiful.
The bird is on a tag which comes out and there is an awesome quote on the back of the tag.
This quote is so absolutely true!!!! Who doesn't love chocolate? lol
The next thing I got in the mail this week was a post card from my friend Laura, who is all the way over in England...Lucky girl she has been getting to travel every where there and see sights that I can only dream of getting to see.
Love these Seals, they are so adorable! We got to see some Sea Lions when we were on one of our trips. Oh how I miss travelling. Maybe some day again!
Another great piece of art comes yet again from my dear friend Bonnie. Its a pocket letter, another thing that I introduced her to and she had no interest or desire at the time but has finally gotten around to it.
Hahahahaha...Just teasing Bonnie...any way here is the front of my pocket letter from her. She said she made two at the same time but mine got done first, so yaaay I got the first pocket letter she ever made...whoo hoooo
As usual, it is very well done! The colours are all coordinated, and lots of fun elements. Here is the back of her pocket letter, packed with lots of yummy goodies!
Well done Bonnie, you never cease to amaze me and I LOVE it when you tell me that your making something that you once told me that you will never do it. lol your just too cute sometimes! You realize I am waiting now for you to do a rolodex? Right? lol, they are just as fun and addictive as making an ATC and Pocket letters!
The very next and final happy mail that I got this week is from my dear friend and mentor Nat over at SimplySweetStamping. She always out does herself, she sent me a St. Patrick's Day package along with my children stories ATC. and OMG they are both just too sweet and adorable!!!!
Her work is always so intimately detailed and when you watch her teach, or watch her make something, her heart is 150% into it. Nat your artwork always makes my heart smile, and I am very lucky to have you as a friend, too! When I was little, that monkey story was one of my favourites, how could you have possibly known???
I am so lucky that she also included the following goodies in my envelope. Thank you so very much, I absolutely love everything that you sent! The small stickers, the bigger stickers, and all of the lovely shamrocks. LOL, that was so much fun, because when I opened the package they all almost fell out all over the place and I was in the car. I could not wait to get home and open it. lol silly me, eh? The cook book, looking forward to hearing the story on that and lastly the stamp and die silly girl, thank you thank you thank you!!!
Well that is about it for today. I have a million other things I would like to accomplish and would like to get to at least 4 of them today....big hugs to all
Rolodex, eh? That is still a pretty hard-sell for me. Don't count on me getting interested in them anytime soon. *smile* it and they will