It has been a while since my last post, but here it goes!
We went out on yet another road trip on the 30th and the 31st, I had the chance to go to check out a few Michaels Stores as well as a couple of Dollarama's.
Who doesn't love the crafty section at the Dollarama stores Canada wide? Although I loved them a lot better when everything in it was just 1 dollar. But that the cost of inflation for you.
I had a few great finds this visit to the Southern World. Here are a few things I found...great deals without a doubt.
These paper pads which I have never seen before at our Huntsville location for example. I really love it when there is such a great value. The more in thł package the better. There was Pink, Blue and Rain Bow colour paper packs, I, of course chose the latter two.
I also found these fabulous stickers. OMG what crafty person does not love a good selection of great stickers for Halloween or Otherwise?
This is a cool deal, I love the small stars which can be somewhat difficult to peel off for me but its not bad if you take your time. Which sometimes, I have absolutely NO patience for.
These are super cute for a certain project I have coming up that Bonnie over at Jasper's Gems and I will be working on together. (Stay tuned for a very soon to come post about it called the October Daily)
Which the above stickers will be absolutely fabulous for! Your not even going to believe this...I saw these very same stickers for sale at Michael's for a whopping $5..99!!! Can you even believe this??? I can!!!! So, it really pays to shop around to save! Even though you think your saving gas for your car by not going from place to place looking around. You just never know what your going to what your going to find where. I always start at Dollar Tree, then Dollarama, and then Michaels. We have no other kinds of crafty stores here. Well, there is DeSerras, but they are in Oakville and quite on the expensive side.
My next stop was Michaels. The first one we went to was in Orillia. They did not have anything for the 12 x 12 paper packs. So I left without buying a single thing! Can you imagine that? Well actually you would be quite surprised at how many times I'd walked into that store and walked out again with zero purchases.
Then I did not get to another Michaels location until our next stop which was Brantford to pick up some tires that Abby got for a great price.
When I saw the 2018 stickers and things available for Halloween this year I was immediately excited. I really had to control myself. Over half of the things I wanted I had to put back. Like for example the Tim Holtz Dracula and Frankenstein Stamp and Die Cut sets. I was not going to pay $31.99 for them. Not even with a 55% off coupon...esp since I have been purchasing from the "Slow Boat" for less than a 1/3 of the price.
Are they not just totally cool? But I adulted and said no. As I was there for the 12 x 12 paper pads...end of story! So I put them back...sigh....If way, here are a couple of other items I wanted...but put back...

...and two other items I got were also pretty cool deals. I always check out the clearance section and I was glad that I did. I found this package of glitter glue, with only 1 bottle missing. It was originally priced for $12.00 and I got it for $4! How sweet it is! And of course I just had to get more of their 2 for a dollar washi tape!
The final two things I got from Michaels are the stinkin' cutest little critter skeletons you ever did see in four legged form. I just could NOT resist them...
I just could not even believe how cute these little guys are! I absolutely HAD to have them! But I believe that Michael's are on to us crafters! They seem to know what we crafty's are after. They put these on sale on purpose to make us buy more! These were $5.99 each, and they were selling as buy two get one free! everything is not expensive enough, right?!
The only thing I have not shown you yet were the paper pads I looked at. Bonnie had a bit of choosing to do too...But off of the top of my head I cannot remember what paper pad she picked...But come back soon as I will talking about the Halloween papers in my October Daily Blog post.