My sister in art Bev and I have been chatting a lot recently about Flip books. I've done a lot of different things in art but I have never made a flip book. She sent me a few links to look at some ideas for what a flip book is. Then I tried this video, not sure if it was one of her links or not. So I tried it...and actually loved the challenge of making this one. Here are the photo's of how they looked.
The photo of the page with the birds is the front of the book. The photo of the page with the flowers is the back of the book. The photo of the stacked envelopes are actually the inside of the book.
I was kind of disappointed that none of the pages lined up properly, but then this was my first ever attempt not only a flip book, but also binding one...which the below photo shows you how that looks.
Pretty impressive looking for my first home made bound book, right? Well in the end, I decided not to use this one because I had absolutely NO CLUE how to decorate it or what to put in the envelopes. I will however try this one again sometime, but will decorate the envelopes before actually binding them into a book format.
Then I took out my friend, another sister in art, Carmen's flip book as I was her partner for the Flip Book Swap on Swap Bot, and basically just kind of followed her pattern for my partner Bev. I really hope she likes it. Here are the photos of what I came up with.

This was a lot of fun to make. I thoroughly enjoyed it....I just hope that Bev will like it.
Very pretty! Love this new background on your blog. Looks so spring like!