I am sure that everyone gets an Artist Block from time to time. What is an artist's block? Its like a writer's block, your brain just runs dry for any length of time. According to a google search, this is what they say about an Artist Block.
"Any creative person has a time when the ideas seem to run dry, and art inspiration becomes sorely lacking. It's a common dilemma that links all of the creative fields together, and plagues every artist. ... As an artist, I've come up with a solution to overcome my artist's block, and it never seems to fail "
I can always count on my good friend over at JaspersGems to come up with a cool project to work on. She found a video that she challenged herself to do this weekend. You can find it here at Shira Studio by Shira Manor.
This is really the first time that I made a master board using layering to create ATCs, and actually know that it is called a master board before the cutting stage. The video is short and sweet, and I had most of the products that she had. So, I told Bonnie that I would do it with her. So here are the photos of the Artist Trading Cards I made. They are totally not the same as Bonnie's, OR Shira's for that matter as we all of different stencils and stamps to embellish the master board with.

From these photos, you can see the gradual process if you have seen the video you can actually see it building to something.
Here they are almost finished and dry. I really love how they turned out! But You won't even believe what happened to me...In all of my 8 years of crafting, I have NEVER, not even once spilled anything all over a project I have been working on....but the inevitable happened yesterday. As I was messing with the best glue I have ever used in my life because it dries in no time at all...and its cheaper than Mod Podge. Its called Gloss Podge Brilliant, by Demco. If you do a google search you will find it...Anyway, I knocked over my bottle of glue and it went ALL over my project. Luckily it didn't get anywhere else, and I am so happy I have been using newsprint on my desk again in front of my computer where I do my artsy stuff. Boy oh boy I was not a happy camper...let me tell you...I managed to save most of it and was able to put it back into the bottle. But I did lose a lot, too much in my humble opinion...le sigh...
Regardless, it was quite a fun project and the best part is I actually made something from start to finish. Thanks Bonnie, I really hope that this means my artist block is over.
I have been keeping today with my badly neglected house work. My next step is to vacuum the house, my art cave definitely needs and also I need to clear up my art space, just so I can make a mess of it again.....
Wow, they turned out great! And didn't you have a lot of fun too? I know that I did making mine.